106 Pebble Court - Fairhope, AL 36532

(251) 623-3605 office and 251-929-4160 fax

About Us

Flexible Appointments

We are available after normal business hours to meet with you at a convenient location.  We can even come to your home or business.  

Transactional Law Needs

We look forward to assisting you with your personal and professional legal needs in the areas of real estate, estate planning, and business entity formation.  

Fee Based - No Hourly Billing

Know upfront what the fee is for the service.  No anxiety over what your final bill will be. 

Professional Profile

Cissy K. Bacon graduated cum laude with a Juris Doctor with a Business Law Certificate  from the University of Mississippi School of Law in May 2017.  She was awarded the Adams and Reese Pro Bono Award in 2016 and was a recipient of an Evelyn Gandy Lecture Series Scholarship in 2015.  She received the most outstanding student award for Secured Transactions in Fall 2015.  While in law school, she was involved in the Business Law Network, the Law School Association for Women, the Law School Student Body Association , Phi Alpha Delta, Delta Theta Phi, the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and the American Constitution Society.  She participated in the Low Income Housing Clinic,  the Transactional Law Clinic, as well as the Tax Clinic where she was an IRS Certified VITA Volunteer Tax Preparer.  In addition, she presented Continuing Legal Education on Heirship property and was a Lexis Student Associate.   

She was admitted to the Alabama Bar in September 2017 and the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama in October 2017.  She is a member of the American Bar Association, the Mobile Bar Association, and the Baldwin County Bar Association.   She is also a licensed loan originator in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi and holds a Real Estate Salesperson license (currently inactive) in Alabama. 

Before entering the law profession, Cissy whose undergraduate degree from the University of Mississippi was in Marketing, worked in the computer industry with IBM, in the jewelry manufacturing and wholesale industry with Mariposa Designs, and in the mortgage industry with PHH Mortgage and Landmark Mortgage Planners.

Contact Us

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We look forward to working with you to address your legal needs

Cissy K. Bacon, PLLC - Attorney at Law

106 Pebble Court - Fairhope, Alabama 36532

(251) 623-3605 phone and (251) 929-4160 fax